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The Roman army crosses the Danube over a pontoon bridge of boats, and the third Dacian campaign begins.

While the legionaries chop trees a Dacian leader gives homage to Trajan.

Trajan celebrate a "lustration" to begin the third campaign.

The legionaries cut down trees to build a new road. Enemy spies have been decapitated and their heads are on spikes.

The legions advance towards the enemy fortifications.

While a fort is built, a Dacian leader submits to Trajan.

The Numidian cavalry, commanded by Lusius Quietus, great friend of Trajan, charges to attack the Dacians. The Numidians, excellent horsemen, ride without saddle or bridle.

While the army advances with the ballistae carts, Trajan receives homage from Dacian leaders.

The Roman army and Germanic auxiliaries attack the Dacians.

Legionaries, in the "tortoise" formation, attack the Dacian forts.

The battle is furious, and even the slingers enter the field.

For the Dacians there is no escape.

On the battlefield the bodies of the dead lie everywhere.

The surrender of Decebalus, who prostrates himself before Trajan and grasps his knee.

All the Dacian Chiefs surrender.

Trajan praises the victorious legionaries.

With this episode in 102AD the First Dacian War concludes with the triumph of Rome.

To be continued...



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