Donato Bramante (1444 – 1514) arrived in Rome in 1499, when he was already a famous architect.
Soon he received major commissions include the cloister of Santa Maria della Pace,
the palazzo Torlonia and the most famous little temple at San Pietro in Montorio.
The little temple at San Pietro in Montorio - click to enlarge |
In this period of time Pope Borgia appointed him second papal architect.
He became the first architect under Pope Julius II, who appointed him to the most prestigious of tasks: the construction of the new Vatican Basilica, which Bramante designed according to a Greek cross plan.
For Julius II della Rovere also made the courtyard of the Belvedere,
unfortunately deeply altered in later centuries. For Cardinal Riario, a cousin of Julius II, built the wonderful courtyard of the palace of the Chancellery,
open to the public.
Finally in Santa Maria del Popolo designed the Chapel of the Choir with the great triumphal arch,
in the Baroque period disturbed by the insertion of a large (and ugly) altar.
Someone, attributed to Bramante also the bell tower of St. Mary of the Soul, unique in the Roman panorama, but the more correct attribution appear to be due to Andrea Sansovino.
The bell tower of St. Mary of the Soul |
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