The ceiling of the room, painted by Perugino, out of respect for his old teacher, was saved by Raphael from the destructive fury of Julius II, who made clear all the frescoes painted before the advent of Raphael.
The ceiling of the Stanza |
Since Leo X de' Medici became Pope, Raphael gave all the Popes depicted in the room the face of the new Pope.
In the fresco of the Fire of Borgo from a window appears Pope Leo IV, while in the crowd you see Aeneas with Anchises on his shoulders.
In the Battle of Ostia Raphael portrayed the great humanist Cardinal Bibbienafriend of Leo X, who used to call him " Alter (=vice) Pope." On the left, in the foreground, you see Giulio de’ Medicithe future Clement VII.
In the episode of the coronation of Charlemagne, Raphael invented the live coverage, as you can see by looking at the group of prelates, caught in unorthodox attitudes, and the man with the armor sollecita il portatore. The face of Charlemagne is that of Francis I, King of France, with whom Leo X had entered into an alliance in 1516. Among the various characters there is the young Ippolito de’ Medici.
The group of prelates -
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The fresco representing the Oath of Leo III presents the difficulty of a wall with a central window, which as usual Raphael brilliantly solves. Do not miss to the left the Knights of Malta. Among the characters is portrayed Lorenzo il Magnifico.
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