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Monte de’ Cenci and Cenci's Palace - Square of the five Scole
Square of the five “Scole” - click to enlarge

Next to the square of the five “Scole” (= schools. The Jewish five "Scole" were: the "Scola Nova", the "Scola of the Temple", the "Sicilian", all these of Italian rite, the "Castilian", Spanish rite and the "Catalan"), in the center of Rome, we find, almost isolated from the traffic, one of the most impressive area of the city, formed by the Monte de 'Cenci and the family mansion, named Palazzetto (=little palace) Cenci.

Moving from Piazza of the five Scole, where was brought the beautiful fountain by Giacomo Della Porta, when the Giudia (=Jewish) square, its previous location, was demolished, through a short street, we arrive in the quiet little square where overlooks a beautiful Renaissance building with a noble portal.

Monte de’ Cenci e Palazzetto - click to enlarge
Monte de’ Cenci and Cenci's Palace - Fountain by Giacomo Della Porta Monte de’ Cenci and Cenci's Palace
Fountain by Giacomo Della Porta Renaissance building

Continuing our stroll we take the short descent at the bottom of which, looking to the right, we see the harmonious Cenci palace, connected to other Cenci Family's suggestive buildings.
Passing under the arch of the Cenci, we get on the back of the building, ending our little walk in the street of Santa Maria del Pianto.

Cenci palace
Cenci palace - click to enlarge

Entitled to the family of Cenci, this secluded little district recalls the grim tragedy that marked the name of the Cenci.
Pope Clemente VIII Aldobrandini was marked by two nefarious episodes: the condemnation to the stake of Giordano Bruno and the decapitation of Beatrice Cenci.

Beatrice was convicted in 1599 on charges of having participated in the murder of his father, Count Francesco, with the stepmother Lucrezia and her brother James. The unworthy father had already been convicted twice for "wicked faults" and during the trial he was accused of raping Beatrice. Nevertheless, defying the wrath of the Roman people, Lucrezia, Beatrice and Giacomo were sentenced to death by beheading women, the man for quartering.

Convictions, performed in front of Castel Sant'Angelo, provoked a popular uprising with deaths and injuries. Of course took part in the riots Caravaggio with Orazio Gentileschi and the mild Guido Reni. Moreover the properties of the Cenci ended into the hands of the heirs of Clement VIII, therefore the Pope's name was defamed, and the memory of the horrible execution of the young Beatrice is still alive.

The tragic story of the Cenci has inspired writers such as Shelley, Stendhal and Dumas.

click to enlarge
Clemente VIII portrayed by Silla Longhi Beatrice Cenci portrayed by Guido Reni Guido Reni, self-portrait
Clemente VIII portrayed by Silla Longhi Beatrice Cenci portrayed by Guido Reni Guido Reni, self-portrait



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