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The workshop of Raphael was unique in its own way and certainly diametrically opposed to that of Michelangelo, whose aids were confined to the preparation of colors and plasters for the frescoes.

On the contrary Raphael, delegating significant parts of the works to aids, favored their growth as artists, so that in his workshop developed their talents Giulio Romano, Lorenzo Lotti ( the Lorenzetto ), Giovanni da Udine, Perin del Vaga, Polidoro da Caravaggio, Giovanni Penni, Guillaume de Marcillat, Alonso Berruguete, Thomas Vincidor, Vincenzo Tamagni, Raffaellino del Colle.

These aids were occasionally joined by established artists and friends of Raphael, like Sodoma and Baldassarre Peruzzi .
The contagious empathy of Raphael, his distance from all envy, meant that in his habitat and in his shop, the links between the artists were marked by strong solidarity and friendship, today we would say that the workshop was a close knit team, just remember that Lorenzetto married the sister of Giulio Romano.

Giulio Romano was a painter and architect, as an architect in Rome designed the Villa Lante and Palazzo Maccarani Stati  but his most famous work is the Palazzo Te, built for the lord of Mantua, Federico II Gonzaga.
He became rich and powerful and built for himself a palace in the center of Mantua.
Would have to return to Rome to become prime architect of the building of St. Peter, but in 1546 the death surprised him.

We talked about his career as an architect to point out his originality.
His experience as a painter can be divided between the time during which he collaborated with Raphael and the next time.

The first period was obviously determined by the personality of the master, while in the next  period  Julius followed his own independent path, which is characterized by the sharp design and a special light, which does not allow to color great importance.



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