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Giulio Romano (1499 – 1546), the most talented amongst the aid of Raphael, when the master untimely died, inherited the shop, only 21 years old.

For the mode of operation of the shop is not easy to understand which was the work of Giulio, but as regards to Villa Chigi - Farnesina are attributed to Giulio the paintings that we show.

The paintings attributed to Giulio Romano at Villa Chigi-Farnesina – click to enlarge

In the Stanze of Raphael, the Hall of Constantine was painted after Raphael's death, according to the cartoons left  by the master, as mentioned, was Julius to take over the work.

Hall of Constantine

In Santa Maria dell’Anima (=Soul) he painted the beautiful altarpiece.

In Rome, other excellent works are exhibited in the Gallery of Palazzo Barberini and the Borghese Gallery.





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