The compositions of Melozzo, influenced by Andrea Mantegna, represented an innovative use of perspective. In his turn he profoundly influenced Michelangelo.
In the design of the faces and color Melozzo refers to Beato Angelico.
The apse of the basilica of the Holy Apostles in the ‘700 was demolished, the frescoes by Melozzo were removed.
The parrot at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme -
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Today you can see them in the Vatican picture gallery and in the grand staircase of the Quirinale Palace, finally one of the famous musician angels is finished to the Prado Museum.
In the mosaic in Santa Croce in Gerusalemme is depicted a parrot.
Which is disturbing, because the Americas, and with them the parrots were discovered in 1492, how could therefore Melozzo three years before draw a parrot?
In fact, the parrot is by Baldassarre Peruzzi, who, thirty years after, restoring the mosaic, put it underground.
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